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  1. farrelltravis

    Boat upgrade——-to a TUG?

    Fourteen feet draft!!! Dang!!
  2. farrelltravis

    Second anchor storing location.

    We only use Mantus anchors. For our front anchor, we keep it underneath the front port seat. For our rear anchor, we keep it in the storage compartment at the rear of the boat where the clean out ports are.
  3. farrelltravis


    Folks, the Mantus anchor is the way to go. After experiencing first hand how good Mantus anchors hold, I am a believer. We have several videos on our website listed below in my signature showing how they well they hold. If anyone has any questions please let me know.
  4. farrelltravis

    New boat bling

    Not surprised!! The Mantus anchors are the best!
  5. farrelltravis

    Anchor 2019 sx 195

    The Mantus anchors are really good. I can testify personally to them. We have them for both the front and rear for both of our boats. Great anchors. You can watch test videos on our website. www.GetAGripAnchors.com
  6. farrelltravis

    New boat bling

    Looks like you are well on your way!! New speakers to try out when anchored!!
  7. farrelltravis

    Mantus anchor. Awesome

    Dang!!! I have to admit that we have lost an anchor that way too!! Thank you very much for the order, though. It is appreciated and we will get it shipped ASAP. Thanks again!
  8. farrelltravis

    Mantus M2 Anchor

    The M1 is tried and true. That is my pick. I know from experience it works great.
  9. farrelltravis

    Mantus anchor. Awesome

    I love it! It looks great! These anchors truly hold amazingly. I'm glad you chose this anchor. You won't regret it.
  10. farrelltravis

    Mantus anchor. Awesome

    I knew you would love it!
  11. farrelltravis


    Years ago, I only used a Danforth style anchor. It drug upon occasion when it was windy. I researched anchors and watched some videos on the Mantus anchor. I bought one. I can't tell you what a difference it made. I loved it so much, I became a dealer in this anchors. My website is below...
  12. farrelltravis

    Mantus anchor. Awesome

    Thank you for your order!
  13. farrelltravis

    Mantus anchor. Awesome

    You won't be disappointed @JetboatDrvr !
  14. farrelltravis

    Mantus anchor. Awesome

    I don't have any pictures of the Mantus in an anchor locker. We keep ours under the seat. If we can be of help, please let me know.
  15. farrelltravis

    Mantus M2 Anchor

    @gthh - All of our pricing is on our website - www.GetAGripAnchors.com - We look forward to working with you!
  16. farrelltravis

    The Last Texoma Gathering As a Couple July 14th 2018

    @Jebinok - Traci will deeply be missed. I know she is up there shaking trees so you know where to find her.
  17. farrelltravis

    Mantus anchor in storage locker 07 sx230?

    We store our 13 pound anchor under the seat. Works fine for us.