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  1. B

    Loss of thrust at full speed

    I got underneath the boat while it was on the trailer and I found that the, ride plate?? was hanging lower then it should dontona bad gasket so it was causing and interuption in water flownat high speeds. I was able to go to local motor sports store and the same sealant they ise for jetski ride...
  2. B


    Just bought a 96 sugar sand heat xrt, wondering if anyone knows a good place to get replacement parts. Also if anyone could tell me if there are other pwc/jetboats that use the same impeller it would be much appreciated, I cant seem to find a replacement.
  3. B

    Loss of thrust at full speed

    Thank you! I will take a look tomorrow and see how everything looks. Some other advice i got was to check the ride playe and screws for flushness. Sounds very similar to yiur suggestion.
  4. B

    Loss of thrust at full speed

    Hello everyone, I am brand new to the forum hoping someone will ne able to help me out. I just bought a 96 sugar sands heat xrt jet boat. The boat starts and runs great at idle and low spees previous owner always took care of it took it to the shop every year to gwr annual "check ups". My issue...