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  1. DaBears


    I attempted this yesterday with my H2O 4.3 Merc. I had watched a bunch of videos and gave it a try. I bought one of the winterizing kits that has the 5 gallon jug and hose hook up. I ran the motor first with water to warm the engine up then switched the valve to begin the antifreeze. I didn't...
  2. DaBears

    New boater from Southern Maryland.

    Yes, we are looking/GOING to be upgrading this fall. @chess, you have to work on the wife on that one. LOL Good luck!
  3. DaBears

    New boater from Southern Maryland.

    Thanks all. We normally go out on the Potomac River over to VA. to Shark Tooth Island/Colonial Beach. We trailer the boat so we have and will go out on the Patuxent also.
  4. DaBears

    New boater from Southern Maryland.

    Good morning! New to the Jet boaters forums. Not a jet boat owner but do have a 2013 Chaparral 19 H20. Was recommended from a current user to join. "Chess"