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Search results

  1. H2O Life

    2017 Seadek Group Buy POSSIBLE??

    I am interested
  2. H2O Life

    FSH Transducer mounting option

    Cool deal! Please let us know how it works. I would think the water would be really clean right at the leading edge.
  3. H2O Life

    FSH Transducer mounting option

    Yep, I actually had the transducer mounted on a PWC before, used the same plug setup and had no issues. That being said, it didn't leak nearly as much as this boat. I typically pull the other plug on the ramp if its not busy, and let the water drain on the ramp. It gets almost all the water out...
  4. H2O Life

    FSH Transducer mounting option

    I am new to the forum, and I have recently purchased a Deluxe. I have seen some very inventive solutions for mounting a transducer on an FSH, and after reading about several options I ended up with the following. First I didn't want to drill any holes in my new boat (I am sure that will pass)...
  5. H2O Life

    Keel Plate Removal/Replacement

    Hi new to the forum, and just got my Deluxe 3 weeks ago. I didn't remove mine, just added to it.... tried it out yesterday and it works great! I just couldn't bring myself to drilling any holes yet!! I got the angles from Lowes and cut them down, added the standoff's for the 2 bolts going...