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  1. CaliJetBoater75

    100% of engine water removed

    My boat was “quarantined” for 8 days from LA County lakes. Luckily there was another lake 40 minutes away in Ventura County so we still got on the water that day. After my 8 days is up I’ll be trying again but I will do multiple engine fire ups before getting to the inspection station
  2. CaliJetBoater75

    100% of engine water removed

    Thanks for all the input. I’ve got some good tips to try now (after my 8 day ban is over lol).
  3. CaliJetBoater75

    100% of engine water removed

    Thanks for the info. I’ll definitely try that next time. In LA County there is no fee. They just put you in a database that bans your boat from any nearby lakes for 8 days. I think I have it figured out for next time. Thanks for the info
  4. CaliJetBoater75

    100% of engine water removed

    Yeah I agree it was water in the pumps. I’ll blow those out a little longer next time. Thanks
  5. CaliJetBoater75

    100% of engine water removed

    Thanks for the info. I did the gravity assist method but was a little scared to run the engines without hose water. I’ll try that next time
  6. CaliJetBoater75

    100% of engine water removed

    I attempted to launch my 2007 AR230 at Pyramid Lake in Los Angeles County yesterday. They have a very strict inspection procedure to insure there is no standing water anywhere in your boat to help stop the spread of quagga and zebra mussels. They won’t even let you in with damp life jackets. I...
  7. CaliJetBoater75

    Vibration on right side

    I had the same situation. Could feel the vibration (also on starboard side) but couldn't find anything in the clean out plugs. Once on the trailer using a flash light in the intake and the clean out plugs I found a tiny piece of wood wedged on the outside of the impeller. All good now. Glad to...