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  1. wahlspyder

    96 HobieJet 95XR only starts with "manual choke"

    Took it out for the first time. Very pleased. Thanks to all who contributed!
  2. wahlspyder

    96 HobieJet 95XR only starts with "manual choke"

    Took carbs off, cleaned them, blew air through everything. Got some crud out. Put everything back together and it seems to be good. Fingers crossed
  3. wahlspyder

    96 HobieJet 95XR only starts with "manual choke"

    Once it starts,it seems to run well. It just isn't rich enough to start
  4. wahlspyder

    96 HobieJet 95XR only starts with "manual choke"

    Not sure how the auto-enricher works. It has a slide that looks like the slide on a motorcycle carb. There is a paraffin pill inside that melts to allow it to move. The specs say that the resistance through the valve should be 18-20 ohms when cold and near infinity when the engine is hot. I...
  5. wahlspyder

    96 HobieJet 95XR only starts with "manual choke"

    Guess I'll pull them apart and see what I can find. I imagine I'll find something plugged.
  6. wahlspyder

    96 HobieJet 95XR only starts with "manual choke"

    Mercury 95XR. Seems to be pumping fuel fine. If I cover the carbs with my hand, it will start, then i can take my hands away and it runs. Every time it is shut off it needs the "hand" choke. Carb issue? Reed valves? It has the auto enrichener, but no electric choke. The resistance of the...