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Search results

  1. R

    1996 Sugar Sand Mirage Part out

    Looking for a external vent cover (black) on back? Do you have a picture of what yours has?
  2. R

    1995 sugar sand mirage

    Sucked up a piece of rope once in mine. Couldn't see it but sure made a big difference in performance. Pulled it out and got a good light on it and there it was. Got it unwound, put it back in and right back to 50 mph!!
  3. R

    2000 sugar sand parts for sale

    Hi Julian, I am guessing that Mark is a no go?
  4. R

    Looking for parts

    I will work on it this weekend. Thanks for the response. If I could find a way to make a mold of it (the outside) would that work?
  5. R

    Looking for parts

    I haven't heard anything more. Was it something you were able to get done?
  6. R

    Looking for parts

    I will hold off taking pics then. McMark if that works out, I would be interested in purchasing a pair for sure!! Please keep me posted if this becomes possible or if I need to take pictures.
  7. R

    Looking for parts

    Hi Mark, It appears they are glued on at the 3 outer points. I will work on some better more accurate pictures but most of the rest would have to be guess work. On a positive not you can never see both at the same time :)
  8. R

    Looking for parts

    It's the black plastic cover in the back corner. Approximate size 6 inches wide by 5 inches tall
  9. R

    Looking for parts

    No I have not had any luck.
  10. R

    Looking for parts

    Does anyone still have parts? Looking for a side cover for my exhaust (black plastic piece that covers the vent for the blower motor for the engine compartment)