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Search results

  1. David Osborne

    Tennessee Boaters Gathering

    Great tool, I had no idea there was a map. Thanks!
  2. David Osborne

    Tennessee Boaters Gathering

    Feel free to reach out to me anytime to show you around Old Hickory! I have only been on Percy twice and I’ve stuck to Old Hickory because of the party cove and the proximity of my boat barn to the ramp. I’ve spent a lot of time on Dale Hollow as well Lake Cumberland. Highly recommended the...
  3. David Osborne

    Tennessee Boaters Gathering

    Hi all I recently moved to Nashville this past summer from Kentucky and spent just about every weekend on the water here in TN. I’m hoping to meet some new people that love being on the lake as much as I do in their free time. I’d like to plan a gathering to Old Hickory Lake just outside...