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Search results

  1. YinzerVRX

    Clicking sound after turning key on

    I get that sound as well, and i'm 99% sure mine is the temp/volt gauges calibrating themselves because the needles flutter at the same tempo and in sync with the sound.
  2. YinzerVRX

    RPM Inconsistencies

    Thanks for the reply's. Yes I bought the boat used with 13 hrs on it. I'll have to look at the spark plugs to see what they look like. Where I live gas stations typical change to the " winter blend" October 1st. I'm thinking this could have an effect too.
  3. YinzerVRX

    RPM Inconsistencies

    Hi All, I'm new to boating and jet boats in general. I currently own a 2016 203 VRX with twin 150's. I've taken it out on the water 3 times since I bought it and noticed the top end RPM seems to vary. The first day out she was turning around 7200 and same with the second outing. I had her out...
  4. YinzerVRX

    Hello From Pitt

    No. I do have a green one but I've only stayed on the Allegheny.
  5. YinzerVRX

    Hello From Pitt

    Hi All! I just purchased a 2016 Chaparral 203 VRX and am reporting from Pittsburgh PA. I moved here about 2 years ago and have been searching for a boat to put on the 3 rivers since, and finally pulled the trigger! Look forward to joining the community.