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  1. Scubabill76

    Drive control problems

    Yes we wash it down after each use and keep the boat on a lift during the summer. I had a 97 sea doo gtx for 20 years and had less problems then this boat that is 2 years old
  2. Scubabill76

    Drive control problems

    I took the boat into the shop and they claimed the shifting cable rotted and broke so they replaced the cable and it has been good, but it was not covered under warranty because we use the boat in salt water
  3. Scubabill76

    Drive control problems

    Whats weird is that the bucket operated fine in the fall when the boat got winterized and it has been sitting on the trailer for the winter and this problem happened before it went in the water, the only thing I did this winter was ran wires for new speakers that have leds in them because the...
  4. Scubabill76

    Drive control problems

    Hello to all I am new to the forum, and I am looking for a solution. I went to start our 2016 242x e series boat today for the first time after the long winter to then launch the boat and both motors started fine but then the check drive control message came across the screen. I then noticed...