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Search results

  1. Zack Truax

    Oil Pumping issue

    Hi Everyone. I've owned a 2006 Sugar Sand Oasis since 2008 and I love it. I do have a problem I could use some help with. As most of you probably know the main DFI oil tank is under the walk through part of the transom and the oil gets pumped from there to the little holding tank mounted on the...
  2. Zack Truax

    Friend looking at a 2010 Yamaha SX240 HO.

    Hello all, I currently own a 23' Sugar Sand Oasis. I have a friend that loves the way my jet boat handles and is looking to buy a Yamaha SX240 HO. He has found one and we were wondering if there are any common problems he should look for, questions he should ask,or any suggestions (in general)...
  3. Zack Truax

    2008 Sugar Sand Calais Fuel Issues and Constant Beep

    I'm new to this, but I have a 2006 23' Sugar Sand Oasis and the only time I heard a constant beep is when the oil is low in the DFI tank. Maybe because it sat for so long that eye or sensor went bad and the boat is thinking there isn't any oil in the DFI tank. Also there is a lower gear box...