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  1. Bruce Lee


    I have a 12" lowrance...it's not your true flush mount because of the housing but it's the max size I could get in there.
  2. Bruce Lee

    2017 FSH engine quite randomly

    I’ll do the penny trick and see. Thanks.
  3. Bruce Lee

    2017 FSH engine quite randomly

    Sorry if this is a repetitive post but I’ve searched as much as I can. FSH running flawlessly and serviced on time. Running two optima batteries on tenders, one for cranking power and one for accessories. Today for the first time ever I had an issue. Ran at no wake for 20 minutes and then...
  4. Bruce Lee

    Launch problem

    I use a bungee. As I get to where my 190 fish starts to lift, I slam my brakes. It slides off and the bungee (measured) lets it slide back and slowly brings it back. Everyone at the launch will freak out, but I typically launch by myself. Flawless. Warning...do not lube your bunks if doing...
  5. Bruce Lee

    Sea dek installed

    NICE WORK....it makes suck a difference
  6. Bruce Lee

    Cooler Options??

    I approached it a bit different. I use the cooler spot for my dry bags...towels and sometimes an extra fuel tank. I've used the straps to secure an Engle 65. I can still tilt for the engine compartment and it doesn't move. Put a space in so i can open the cooler too. PLUS...you can stand on...