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  1. kaylix

    New Stator

    I just installed a new stator from CDI, one without the epoxy coating. Should it be smoking like this?
  2. kaylix


    I recently had to buy a new flywheel and had a fantastic experience with South Central Outboards
  3. kaylix

    175/xr2 Sport Jet Switch Boxes

    We know there are 2 switch boxes, inner and outer. Do we know which one controls which set of cylinders? I ask because I have 1,3,5 cylinders with no spark and the manual states: Intermittent, weak or no spark output at three spark plugs (a complete bank of three cylinders) usually is caused by...
  4. kaylix

    Engine not Firing / Sluggish Cranking

    Hi everyone. Just finished replacing parts on my '97 SS Tango Off Shore. All new: 1. Stator (orig. was not passing tests) 2. Flywheel (orig. had magnets break off) 3. Electric Fuel Pump 4. Enrichment Valve 5. Fuel Filter 6. Spark Plugs Prior to all of these replacements, the engine would turn...
  5. kaylix

    Carburetor Leak

    I couldn't get the boat restarted after a pee stop. Squeezing the primer bulb caused a leak. SO - after a tow back to the dock and further inspection at home. The fuel inlet hose on the first carb was no longer attached properly. I fixed that and started putting everything back together. Then...