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  1. Julian

    SWAG I SURVIVED the Bimini Crossing Shirts are now online.

    Now that all the official trip shirt sales are complete we are opening up sales of the "I Survived The Bimini Crossing" shirts. We have these with 2017 and 2018 Years on them, or no year if you want one and went prior to 2017. These are available in short and long sleeve and in mens and womens...
  2. Grover70

    Crossing a big wake.

    Hi fellow boaters.... It doesn't happen too often, but when it does, I try out different tacks with differing results while crossing the wake of a larger boat from astern. You know what I'm talking about. The boat I'm following may be 30' feet in length, sits low in the water and leaves this...
  3. Khalid

    Texas to the Exhumas

    Here's a video of our 1 week adventure to paradise. Photos and videos don't do the place / adventure justice @Kalvin Wise