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  1. T

    Still new to boating-Need some opinions on fiberglass damage...

    Last time I took my boat out, it was very busy coming out Kent Narrows, MD. I was heading into the channel but there were tons of much larger boats than mine coming out so there was a lot of large wake. I was going a little faster than I should have been going and hit a couple of those wakes...
  2. charlesstiles

    Repairable Damage???

    Took a rough hit on the lake this weekend and got some cracks in the hatch of this 2003 Sugar Sand Tango. Is this something that can be repaired? Do I take it to a boat shop? Whats it going to cost and do.I approach my insurance about it?
  3. Robert Sands

    Damage to Hull Above Water Line

    Hi all, I've just come back from a trip where I rented a cottage with some friends and brought the boat, 2015 195 HO Impulse. I need to post a picture, but I ended up incurring damage to the white fiberglass and rubber/chrome bumper strip on the stern on the side of the swim deck. There are...