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dual batteries

  1. Farny

    For the battery experts… Lithium??

    Lots of posts and threads on here about batteries, adding a second bank, acr etc. Got a lot of good info from the experts on here in the past - lots of debate about lithium also, found this video which was very interesting.
  2. Farny

    195s Dual Battery & Sound System Upgrade

    I’ve Done the research and All the parts are in! Ready to start upgrade to the 2020 195s this weekend! Super excited. Thanks to all of you who have answered my questions and have posted great threads. I’ll try to capture pics etc as I go hope this thread will save someone all the research...
  3. Klover

    Dual battery set up on new Yamaha 255XD boats

    I noticed that I have to have all three switches on in order for the engines to start and/or for the head unit to come on, so I'm guessing the batteries weren't wired correctly since I assume as long as the house battery is on the dash/connext screen should come on? -- but ours doesn't unless...