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  1. P

    Boat 2008 AR230 HO blown engine and for sale, GA

    I’ve owned this boat for three years and have only been in the water twice ( been in the shop for the rest of the time). Unfortunately, I recently blew the engine and don’t have the time or resources to repair it. The shop I was using to fix it is changing hands and this boat has to go. I’m...
  2. SAA_Woodstock


    SOLD 2020 Yamaha FSH 210 Sport For Sale
  3. Y

    Seadek staining from Georgia red clay?

    We boat exclusively in North Georgia and I'm thinking of getting the Seadek kit for our 2015 AR210. The issue I'm concerned about is the kids climbing into the boat with clay/muddy feet or throwing shoes onto the boat with red clay on them (if you have been in a Georgia lake, you know what I'm...
  4. F

    SOLD GA 2017 Yamaha 242 LS E-Series, New JL Audio system, and many extras - $62k

    Hi all - Selling my ‘17 242 LSE and upgrading to a sedan. I really love this boat and have taken good care of it. Items included: I have both the shipping cover and black mooring cover, just upgraded the sound to JL to replace the Polk speakers plus 2 towers and a sub ($3500 upgrade this...
  5. G

    Completed 2014 Yamaha 242 Limited S + HydroHoist 4400# Lift + Shore Land'r trailer - GA - $45,000

    If you know Yamaha, I don't need to say more. In case you need a reminder, this is the best boat in the world for a busy family. Easy maintenance and impeccably reliable. That's why I bought Yamaha to begin with. $45k takes boat, lift & trailer. Also, first dibs on covered slip in the nicest...