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  1. Scottie

    Remote battery switch?

    I've just purchased my first boat, a 2013 212x! I've been lurking around here for months as I was shopping so I figured I'd finally make a post, and ask a question at the same time. The boat I've puchased has a 4 battery (blue top optimas) setup. Powers the house and 3 JL marine amps. There's a...
  2. Mainah

    How to do mods in the Helm comparment on a 242

    With the mods I have done I have gotten good at getting in and out of the helm comparment and thought I would share my technique. 1. Face the bow 2. Stick right leg in 3. Scooch down 4. Shift hips in while sucking in 5. Pull in left leg 6. Pivot 180 degrees on balls of feet with knees bent 7...