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mr-1 ho

  1. P

    Boat 2008 AR230 HO blown engine and for sale, GA

    I’ve owned this boat for three years and have only been in the water twice ( been in the shop for the rest of the time). Unfortunately, I recently blew the engine and don’t have the time or resources to repair it. The shop I was using to fix it is changing hands and this boat has to go. I’m...
  2. Tuffkopf

    Boat 07 SX230 HO (S.E. Wisconsin)

    Hi guys, I did all the stuff that you would want done! Turn-key water ready! Be on the water this weekend! Twin 160hp MR-1 engines 170 hours on the motors Includes the main seating area table & separate swim deck table Snap-in carpet is in great shape Bow filler cushion included 8 life jackets...
  3. N

    Want To Buy Yamaha MR-1 HO

    Anyone have a Yamaha MR1 HO that they’d like to get rid of? Mine took a shit on me, got a call from the boat shop that it had no compression, super bummed. wanted to swap it out with another if available. Will pay for shipping fees.