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  1. C

    2018 242 pump impeller housing bad already?

    Hello all, I have been reading these forums for a while, but first post. I was looking at buying a 2018 242SE offered by a second owner at a discount with some corrosion issues particularly on tower/bimini frame and also noticeable on the stern ladder. I had it sent to a dealer for inspection...
  2. R

    1996 Regal Rush XP120 - Replace Foam Exhaust Seals

    I’m in the process of replacing my broken control/shift cable. I noticed that the exhaust seals have deteriorated quite a bit and need to be replaced. Has anyone replaced them without dropping the sport jet pump? I have several photos but need to reduce the size before posting. Thanks, Ski
  3. Julian

    2018 Models have float switch Bilges!!

    Thanks to info from @Fishwrecked I've learned that 2018 models all have float switch bilges! This will be a nice improvement for those of us that leave their boats on (or over) the water. Rulemate 500 float switch bilge pump!!! Pretty sure this is the pump they are installing: Rule-Mate®...
  4. O

    Want To Buy Ballast

    Looking to buy Ballast bag/pump. Preferably looking for 750lbs & 200ishlbs but will consider all. I feel like buying new and not 100% sure my ideas will work I'd rather not spend too too much (what everything would cost new). If you have any you're not using and willing to part with, please hit...
  5. S

    SX210 won't go over 37

    Hi I bought a 2012 SX210 with 77 hours on it. I'm having 2 problems The starboard engine is saying check engine 2 out of three times when it starts. When i turn it off and restart it, sometimes 2 times, the warning goes away and it runs fine I'm also having a maximum speed of around 37 MPH, even...
  6. Bill D

    Winterization of the shower

    What does everyone do to winterize the swim deck shower on our boats? I was thinking either drain it and blow it out, or put a mix of some antifreeze in there and run it through the pump and hose. Both options have their issues...