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rotax 300

  1. S

    Altitude changes- is it worth changing impeller

    We live in northern utah. Just got a scarab 165 Id with the 1630 ace 300hp. We will run the boat in northern utah/ we have a house boat in lake powell during the summer but the boat will be ran in Havasu after lake powell challenge in September until dcb poker run in April. Is it worth changing...
  2. Stang7tl

    Motor bogging/missing

    Hey crew so I have a 2019 scarab 195 open ID it has the 300HP ace motor. Wanted to see if anyone has has similar issue with any of the jet boat motors not just 300 ace. So motor has 16hrs on it and its been good since then, what happened was once putting around to the wake spot we throttled up...
  3. T

    IS new rotax ACE 300 engines NMEA 2000 Compatible

    Hi I would like to have my factory installed Simrad Go 9 XSE , hooked up to my twin 300's on my 2020 255 Open ID. Can I do that? Any help would be appreciated.