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  1. T

    Boat Stuff 2001 Mercury 240 EFI M2 Sportjet Powerhead Wisconsin

    I have a Mercury 240 EFI M2 Sportjet engine that was pulled from my 2001 Seadoo Challenger 1800. It stopped running, and as far as I can see cylinder #4 appears to be seized up. I am assuming it threw a rod as there looks to be a small small hole in the top of the piston (when looking through...
  2. R

    Replace Starter on 1996 Regal Rush Sportjet 120XR

    It was getting difficult to start jet boat. Purchased replacement from eBay. Hope this video will help anyone with the same situation. Enjoy! Ski
  3. NewtJ82

    Seized impeller?? Merc Optimax 250 Sportjet on Polaris EX2100

    I have a rare boat apparently (2004 Polaris ex2100), but it has a 250hp Mercury Optimax Sportjet, same as on some other makes I believe. Was running it wide open down the lake, suddenly stopped pushing water through, with motor still running. Got towed back in, found no obstructions in the...
  4. W

    Sportjet 120xr Fuel Leak

    Hi all, First thread here, thanks in advance. I recently bought a 1997 Sea Ray Sea Rayder F16. Had great fun so far but after a 2 hour session on the water yesterday I noticed fuel sat in my engine bay. I've sourced the leak as coming from the underside of the black box which I believe to...