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  1. XLR8ED

    Surfinity - Boxing Week Sale

    I picked up some Surfinity Bags during their Boxing Week Sale ( December 26th - January 5th) The bags came today and they are incredibly well made, I'm impressed to say the least Take a look here - Boat Organization These items are made in Canada Can't wait to reorganize the boat for the...
  2. Leojay


    This MUST SEE video is well worth your time and worthy of sharing, that is unless you’re fortunate enough to boat year round! Finally! Let’s all be clear on what Yamaha engineers recommend for winterization/long term storage.
  3. Leojay


    Another reason why Yamaha outsells the competition:
  4. ACrews

    Storage Solutions for Waverunners

    What's the best gear any of you guys have found for longer distance riding. My first test run has made me realize how little "useful" storage is available. I'm mainly running into useful places to keep sunscreen, chapstick, cell phone, wallet, etc since that stuff generally will take up the...
  5. xedelatorre

    Indoor Heated storage for the winter precautions

    Hi guys, new to the forum and posting for the first time on here, bought our 2015 ar192 late in the season and it was sad to store it so quickly... anyways, got a good indoor weather controlled storage for the winter (place stores all kinds of boats and other leisure crafts) and was wondering if...
  6. Julian

    Really simple tip for securing a table leg

    So I bought a 2nd table leg online so I could use it to put my grill into on the stern and still have a table leg for the table in the cock pit. Then I was wondering...ok...where am I going to store this one. I have the other one sitting nicely in the port bow underseat storage at the back...