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  1. M

    2013 SX190 tach replacement

    Hi Folks, I cant seem to find a tach in stock anywhere and also cant find anyone to repair mine. The LCD is nearly unreadable, I believe its the polarized film on the gauge (Texas boat) that's bad. I bought a new starboard tach from a 2013 ar240 but it shows comm error and the tach just sweeps...
  2. I

    Hello to all - Happy I've joined.

    Joined recently... Look forward to gleaning some great advise and contributing if possible to the fine folks in this forum.
  3. Steen1717


    Anyone out there have a buzzing noise coming from the tach or near the tach, just noticed this yesterday out with no music on. very weird sounds like a vibration or buzz noise? sounds like its coming from the starboard side
  4. MOA_Chaser

    Low RPMs in starboard engine

    I had my SX230 out all three days this weekend. I had done an oil/spark plug change before running her this year and everything went well. Except, my starboard side engine is running low RPMs. It sounds fine... it only gets up to about 8.9k while the port engine gets to around 10.5k at WOT. I...