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  1. Bizywk

    Fusion MS-RA70N USB Flashdrive issue

    @HELP Has anyone else had this issue or have an idea of where I should focus to solve this problem? Problem: I want greater flexibility for a very large selection of music available while boating, but the USB solution is unreliable. Symptom: Unfortunately, the...
  2. Julian

    Drilled the first hole in my boat today! <installed USB charger port and fuse block>

    Yup...the hole drilling has begun! LOL Spent way too long today installing an additional 2 port USB charger on the port side of the boat for guest phones. I'm not quite done with the wiring as I'm going to either install another switch for the stereo connections and my new fuse box, or run...
  3. R

    Need help with Clarion CDM8 USB feature.

    I have a factory installed Clarion CDM8 stereo on my 2015 Yamaha SX210. The stereo has a USB input on the front. I would like to have a USB Flash Drive with some of my favorite music. I copied some of my music on a flash drive in MP3 format but the radio did not recognize the music being on the...