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wake booster

  1. L

    New 242 - ISO Wake booster

    Hey everyone! Just bought a 2018 242 limited s and the family and I would like to try wake surfing. Anyone recommend a place online to purchase the Yamaha wake booster at a decent price. These things are expensive! Been looking on FB market and people don’t sell them! Also, are they worth it or...
  2. A

    Ropeless redneck AR195

    1st day Hydro phase cruise control Wake surfing progression Yamaha wake booster 2 ballast bags on 2nd platform (one center, one surf side) 2nd day Same set up as day one but added a gander mountain cooler full of water on bottom step Two coolers full of water on the seats on the surf...
  3. B

    Boat Stuff Wake Booster and 700# Ballast

    Selling wake booster for 24’ boat and 2 350# Ballast Bags (long cylinder shape) believe they are free motion. Will post pictures later $900.00.
  4. LKNHokie

    SOLD SOLD | Yamaha Wakebooster Package

    I was able to snag a wakebooster package from local Yamaha. Despite the dealer’s promise it does not in fact fit 212X prior to ‘17 I have two options - A) return it to shop Monday morning, or B) sell it to one of y’all who can use it. I paid $1,200 for entire kit - will entertain any offer...
  5. Mainah

    DIY Pipe Booster for improving wake

    Starting a separate thread on this. Will be interesting to see what we can up with that is reasonably DIY. Lets please keep this focused on this DIY project without bashing any other for sale products out there. Testing, comparing, and documenting results against references in a scientific way...