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08 AR230 stiff steering at higher speed???


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Hello! I am new to this forum but have read a lot of good post on here. I have a 2008 Ar230. The steering is extremely stiff when cruising at higher speeds. Almost need 2 hands to steer when turning when I am towing a tube or etc. At low speed and when the engine is off, steering seems just fine and easy to turn. Any ideas on why it would be difficult when moving but easy when sitting still? I drove my brother-in-laws AR192 and it steers very easy at higher speeds so surely there is an issue with mine and not just me being a baby about it. Appreciate any help I can get!
The water being pushed through the jets wants to going straight out. When you turn the steering wheel it turns the jet nozzles and has resistance from the water being pushed through. The water wants to go straight but you’re making it turn left or right which = harder steering.