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12-14V across batteries, but system reads low

Brian McIver

Jet Boat Addict
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SW Michigan
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Thanks for the info. This is the 4th season on the original batteries and they’re still going strong. Like you, we did just under 6 hours this weekend and didn’t kill it but it did show in the low 11 volt range (that probably qualifies as killing it, but it was still going). The only problem I‘ve had was one time last year the house battery got low like that and we got some weird electrical problems with the engines running. They wouldn’t go over 1000 rpm and a lot of warnings on the screen. We idled for a few minutes, cycled the switches and the voltage came up just enough for everything to work. Having an AGM just may give me that extra capacity. Even then, I’m considering adding a third battery for the stereo alone that ties to either the house or starting battery. Most likely though it will be a project for next year. Once again, thanks.