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1996 sugar sand heat xr power issue

Jared Young

Active Member
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Boat Make
Sugar Sand
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Jet Ski
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I just bought my first boat a 96 sugar sand heat xrI believe it has the 120hp engine. Started it and it ran fine out of water. Put it in the water and it kept stalling out and when I would get it running throttle up it would run fine for a bit then bog down. So I cleaned the carbs hoping that was the issue. Took it back out the next day the motor ran great did not stall at all did not bog down but full throttle it would only go maybe 10mph. I'm so confused because before I cleaned the carbs it was going about 30mph. If anyone could help give me any suggestions of what it could be I would be very thankful
Hi I purchased a 1998 Heat with a 120XR this past season. It too had issues with acceleration, planing etc. I've yet to solve the planing issue but hopefully will for next season. I will however share with you what I learned with respect to the engine and fuel supply. I started by replacing the spark plugs and checking the inline fuel filter. I then cleaned the carbs and replaced the leaking carb gaskets. Later in the season I again tore down the carbs and found the lower carb had an inlet screen which was blocked ! The lower carb had not been getting fuel. I'm not sure if this was a problem from the start or something that occurred later. The poor performance or inability to plane left me wondering if the fuel problem was related to fuel starvation. Being an older boat I decided to order a new fuel pump diaphragm kit. The original diaphragm appeared okay however I did find another screen on the inlet side of the fuel pump. This too had some sediment which in all likelihood was from the fuel line. I'll be changing all the fuel lines right from the gas tank and those connected to the carburetor etc. Another issue that was overlooked on my first carb cleaning was the carburetor linkage connecting the two carbs. The linkage to the top carb had become loose resulting in it not opening to the same degree as the lower carb at full throttle. Perhaps one or more of these concerns are or where a problem with your Heat. I've yet to get the boat to plane consistently. I think part of the problem is simply the boats design owing to lack of trim tabs or as many have noted in other posts a problem with the ride plate, ride plate seal and or impeller and wear ring. Gauging from other posts many of us 2nd time owners have inherited or purchased a boat past it's prime.
Hi, wondering if you ever resolved this problem? I just bought a 96 sugar sand heat xrt 120hp and it started fine out of the water but when I put it in the water it started for about 5 seconds then shut off. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hey all, welcome to all of you. Hope you are all making progress with your boats....

This should be the link for all of your manuals. Be sure to check it against your serial numbers to be sure.

Also be sure nothing has been sucked up into the drive, just to be sure.

Also a great rule of thumb was posted here earlier by chuck_buck:
"As they say – with jets, too low engine rpm @ WOT indicates engine problems, too high rpm @ WOT indicates impeller/wear ring problems."
I just bought my first boat a 96 sugar sand heat xrI believe it has the 120hp engine. Started it and it ran fine out of water. Put it in the water and it kept stalling out and when I would get it running throttle up it would run fine for a bit then bog down. So I cleaned the carbs hoping that was the issue. Took it back out the next day the motor ran great did not stall at all did not bog down but full throttle it would only go maybe 10mph. I'm so confused because before I cleaned the carbs it was going about 30mph. If anyone could help give me any suggestions of what it could be I would be very thankful
We have to occasionally turn off the boat and immediately turn it back on. Also, check your screws down by the impeller. If ANY are loose it won't run right. Weird, but true.
I was having similar issues, fix several fuel issues, cleaned and replaced needle inlets in carburetors. Check my fire was only getting fire off of the top cylinder, bottom two were not lighting up. Replaced all three still no fire on bottom two, put in a switch box, runs like a dream
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I was having similar issues, fix several fuel issues, cleaned and replaced needle inlets in carburetors. Check my fire was only getting fire off of the top cylinder, bottom two were not lighting up. Replaced all three still no fire on bottom two, put in a switch box, runs like a dream

What do you mean switch box? Do you have a part number? Thanks!
I just bought my first boat a 96 sugar sand heat xrI believe it has the 120hp engine. Started it and it ran fine out of water. Put it in the water and it kept stalling out and when I would get it running throttle up it would run fine for a bit then bog down. So I cleaned the carbs hoping that was the issue. Took it back out the next day the motor ran great did not stall at all did not bog down but full throttle it would only go maybe 10mph. I'm so confused because before I cleaned the carbs it was going about 30mph. If anyone could help give me any suggestions of what it could be I would be very thankful
Hello Everyone! A little late in posting this as it would relate to a response to the guys posting but just wanted you to know that I just got done restoring my 1996 Sugar Sand 120 XR sport jet and from knowing absolutely nothing about marine engines last summer but spending the entire winter in my garage in California, I am now an expert layman on this particular pain in the ass boat! From the ignition switch to the valve reeds to the entire harness, my boat has been rectified, rebuilt or otherwise replaced and updated with LED lighting and a brand new wax job. Ask away, I may have had your problem already and will give it my best try.
Hello Everyone! A little late in posting this as it would relate to a response to the guys posting but just wanted you to know that I just got done restoring my 1996 Sugar Sand 120 XR sport jet and from knowing absolutely nothing about marine engines last summer but spending the entire winter in my garage in California, I am now an expert layman on this particular pain in the ass boat! From the ignition switch to the valve reeds to the entire harness, my boat has been rectified, rebuilt or otherwise replaced and updated with LED lighting and a brand new wax job. Ask away, I may have had your problem already and will give it my best try.

Where are you located? Might help someone.

That's great! I still have the same problem as Jared, havent looked at it all winter. I'll take a look in the next month or two.
Hello Everyone! A little late in posting this as it would relate to a response to the guys posting but just wanted you to know that I just got done restoring my 1996 Sugar Sand 120 XR sport jet and from knowing absolutely nothing about marine engines last summer but spending the entire winter in my garage in California, I am now an expert layman on this particular pain in the ass boat! From the ignition switch to the valve reeds to the entire harness, my boat has been rectified, rebuilt or otherwise replaced and updated with LED lighting and a brand new wax job. Ask away, I may have had your problem already and will give it my best try.
Any helpful info on electrical would be great. Fuel gauge not working, blower not working, lights are shotty. Can't find diagrams and some know where to start. There are unconnected words under console. 96 sugar sand heat with 120hp merc.
Hello Everyone! A little late in posting this as it would relate to a response to the guys posting but just wanted you to know that I just got done restoring my 1996 Sugar Sand 120 XR sport jet and from knowing absolutely nothing about marine engines last summer but spending the entire winter in my garage in California, I am now an expert layman on this particular pain in the ass boat! From the ignition switch to the valve reeds to the entire harness, my boat has been rectified, rebuilt or otherwise replaced and updated with LED lighting and a brand new wax job. Ask away, I may have had your problem already and will give it my best try.
I know it's been a while since u posted but I would love to hear ur stories about this boat as we bought one last year
Hey Aqua tot, I'm looking for a winter project. I'm retired and am in no rush to be done by spring. Neighbor has a 1996 heat and I am thinking of getting it mainly to stay busy, not for a family toy so again I don't have underlying pressure to get it done.
I would like to be able to pick your brain for info, were you able to find schematics, is their a supplier you used, do you have any other members that you have been mainly in touch with throght you build. Just joined and hope I haven't asked for information not allowed. But if I taken project I will be sending photos of progress.