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SOLD 2014 Yamaha AR210 Greenville, NC **Reduced to $30K


Jetboaters Admiral
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Holly Springs, NC
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Yeah I guess I should get @suke 's address to send him the finders fee. He graciously sent someone my way. Thanks @suke ! The buyer made a profile and contacted me through the forum, so thanks for having & maintaining a great forum. (Not sure if he wants called out or not so I won't mention buyers name, I'll leave that up to him.)

@Julian I keep going round and round about another boat. Too many choices and all very expensive. Unfortunately my 10year old son took the wind out of my sails this weekend. I asked him if he was going to miss the boat once it's gone, his response was, "No, I hate the boat". My Boattrader screen time has plummeted since that comment. I guess it's hard to enjoy life as a 10 year old with that huge silver spoon always blocking your view. I'm now thinking we may have a boat-free summer (with lots of hot yard work for the kids) and see if they change their minds on how to spend summer weekends. That is unless I can find a good deal on a Robalo 242ex. :p
No worries my man! I have no problem calling him out. :) I've known him for years. We worked at Cisco for a long time, before I defected last year. He bought my Ninja 636 many years back. I look forward to hopefully seeing your old boat out on the water. :)