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2018/2019 Over-Tower Shipping Cover Question


Jetboaters Admiral
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Medford, NJ
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I just put a 2018 Shipping Cover on my boat, but noticed it was pooling a little between the windshield and tower. I'm going to go putz around with it whenever it stops raining, but should I be putting the strap that goes between the two poles over the tower? Seems like that would fix that spot.


You need these, they hold the tower in a mid position, this will make the shipping cover tight and not allow water to pull. They came with the boat from the factory. I had to ask the dealer for mine, I had the same issue.
That's the thing I don't like about the newer shipping covers. They look soe baggy like they are made to be more of a "one size fits all" than one that looks to be tailor made to the specific boat. I know that;s not the case but it just looks that way to me.

Those brackets are referred to as transport or shipping brackets. When new boats are loaded onto the semi truck at the Yamaha factory, the towers are partially lowered and bolted in so they don't bang around during transport to the dealer. This allows them to fit more boats per semi truck trailer and also protects the boat/tower.
Oh damn, I threw out my tower brackets over the summer, lol. I'll rig something up with PVC, I guess.

These are pretty much tailor fit (well, if you have the right parts, I guess). I really like that it covers the sides of the boat.
Oh damn, I threw out my tower brackets over the summer, lol. I'll rig something up with PVC, I guess.

These are pretty much tailor fit (well, if you have the right parts, I guess). I really like that it covers the sides of the boat.
Amen. I trailered all the way to Florida and back with the 2018 style cover and my tower folded down with the transport brackets installed. Way better coverage and protection than the 2017 and earlier covers.
Well, if any 2018/2019 Limited S owners see this and want to sell me their transport brackets, let me know! :)
Well, if any 2018/2019 Limited S owners see this and want to sell me their transport brackets, let me know! :)

Swing by or call your dealer. You may get lucky and get a pair before someone has tossed them.
In the meantime you may want to consider putting a tennis ball on each end of an appropriate length of a broom handle and propping up the shipping cover in that low spot. Enough tension should keep it in place when it gets windy.

Can you buy those shipping covers for older models?
Can you buy those shipping covers for older models?
They aren't sold separately, but are often sold here when people get their new boats.
That’s what those are! How do you install the shipping brackets? I tow my boat using the shipping cover but have been worried about laying the tower all the way down.
They aren't sold separately, but are often sold here when people get their new boats.
Got it! Having a hard time finding a cover that will fit my 212x with the tower folded for storage. Right now it's just under a massive tarp. I tried one off of amazon that I thought would fit since it was for a 23-25ft boat and it didn't quite make it.
That’s what those are! How do you install the shipping brackets? I tow my boat using the shipping cover but have been worried about laying the tower all the way down.

In the picture above, where the bolts are screwed in currently is where the bolt on the tower goes, then the bolts in the picture bolt through the brace and into the base of the tower on the boat.

You will need someone to hold the tower in the mid position to line them up.
In the picture above, where the bolts are screwed in currently is where the bolt on the tower goes, then the bolts in the picture bolt through the brace and into the base of the tower on the boat.

You will need someone to hold the tower in the mid position to line them up.

I think that makes sense. I’ll have to get to my boat to see if I can make that all make sense. Thank you!
You need these, they hold the tower in a mid position, this will make the shipping cover tight and not allow water to pull. They came with the boat from the factory. I had to ask the dealer for mine, I had the same issue.
View attachment 85878
Where do we attach these
My cover was sagging in the same spot. Once I put the tower shipping brackets back on it snugs the cover nice and tight and water runs right off. On my model you screw them into the tower knobs and then into the boat with supplied hex bolts. See picture.

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