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2018 AR210 - Cracked Block


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Have a 2018 AR210 I bought in July 2022 with 50 hrs on it. Boat now has 200 hrs and I've always had the local Yamaha Dealer change the oil and "winterize" at the end of the season. This year, I decided rather than paying the $500 I'd do it myself. All went well until I noticed water dripping from the starboard engine. It appears I have a cracked block. Anyone else seen this on a TR1 motor? I found the link below from 2019 where a guys had a crack in the exact same location.

Another Cracked Block in exact same place

I'm thinking I'd like to get the crack fixed by welding rather than JB weld as the poster in the thread above did since i plan on having this boat for a while. Any thoughts or Advice?

Cracked Block.jpg
Here is a video while engine is idling with hose hooked up.

I had this happen to me on a non ho MR1 engine. Imho, It’s an issue with the block casting. Mine appeared after having to remove the head due to a stuck valve. Every time the mechanic torqued the head bolts down, the stud opened up the crack even further. It took me quite a while to figure out where the leak was.

I attempted to have the block welded and it didn’t go well. I pressure tested the cooling system after the weld and it was leaking at the end of the weld. After the first failed attempt, I had the welder psi test it after each attempt and the leak would always occur at the end of his weld. He tried several times.

I ended up replacing the engine with a donor engine from a waverunner and found a good used block on eBay to rebuild the original. I currently have it sitting in the garage and will keep it as a spare until I sell the boat.

Best of luck with repair regardless of which way you attempt to fix your engine.
Have a 2018 AR210 I bought in July 2022 with 50 hrs on it. Boat now has 200 hrs and I've always had the local Yamaha Dealer change the oil and "winterize" at the end of the season. This year, I decided rather than paying the $500 I'd do it myself. All went well until I noticed water dripping from the starboard engine. It appears I have a cracked block. Anyone else seen this on a TR1 motor? I found the link below from 2019 where a guys had a crack in the exact same location.

Another Cracked Block in exact same place

I'm thinking I'd like to get the crack fixed by welding rather than JB weld as the poster in the thread above did since i plan on having this boat for a while. Any thoughts or Advice?

View attachment 229921
That kind of crack is from that head bolt either having fluid or debris in the threads prior to tightening, wrong length bolt in that hole, the added pressure pushes the bottem of the thread jacket out causing the crack. So it was either apart at one time or bad assembly from the factory
That kind of crack is from that head bolt either having fluid or debris in the threads prior to tightening, wrong length bolt in that hole, the added pressure pushes the bottem of the thread jacket out causing the crack. So it was either apart at one time or bad assembly from the factory
You think it can be fixed via welding?
You think it can be fixed via welding?
If it was done by the headbolt somehow, that problem would have to address first, but yes a real good experienced welder could repair it but no guarantee it wont leak again