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212 X Steering Problem


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So I have currently run into an issue with my 2018 212X steering. Took it out this past weekend and quickly learned that it wouldn’t steer to the left. Both jet nozzles turn to the right with ease but stop dead when they reach center. I checked both jet nozzles and even disconnected the steering cables from the nozzles. Both nozzles move freely when disconnected. I then checked and disconnected the steering box. It appears that there was surface rust inside the steering box on the rubber boot side. The steering gears appeared to be normal and still greased. I’m not quite sure where to go from here. Is it possible to have a steering cable partially seized? Like I said both nozzles turn right but stop at the center when attempting to turn left. Is there an adjustment that can be done or should the cables be replaced? I feel like it’s way too early for seized steering cables. This is only its third season in the water. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.