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242x <how to setup for wake surfing>

Depth absolutely impacts wake size. Solid wake at 12 or deeper and you wash out once you get to less than 6 in my opinion.
I have the wake wedge and the custom bag. Can get a pretty good surfing wake. I always want better and simpler. Thinking of the steel bags. Less space and easy to change and move around but are always carrying the extra weight.
I have the 2016 242x
Very interested in the new thrust vector wake. But am waiting on reviews. Like the idea of less Jet spray. But want to make sure it works better than what I got before spending more cash.
Here is my 17 yo daughter wake surfing behind our 242xe. One video we are only using stock ballast with yamaha’s WakeBooster on port side. 100 Port, 100 Ski Locker and 40 Stbd. The other video has same setup, except we added fatsac on port side swim seat.
Wow, that's great! Can you tell me what your speed was? I have a a 2018 242x and speedometer readout does not do tenths, although tenths are available in auto-setup 'cruise control,' but then never reaches that speed - weird issue. Also, I have the fatsac - I think 750 pounds also, so all of this seems like quite a bit of weight, and the boat struggles with maintaining speed even at full throttle with about 500 pounds of people on board and a 150 pound surfer - any clues. We are in shallow - 5ft water, with wakebooster. It's kind of making me crazy, this very delicate setup, but fun at the same time. I do seem to think needing deeper water - above say 5ft or 10ft helps - not 100% sure. Just in general it looks like you are going faster than I typically do - I would guess you are around 11 mph or so, maybe touching 12?
Wow, that's great! Can you tell me what your speed was? I have a a 2018 242x and speedometer readout does not do tenths, although tenths are available in auto-setup 'cruise control,' but then never reaches that speed - weird issue. Also, I have the fatsac - I think 750 pounds also, so all of this seems like quite a bit of weight, and the boat struggles with maintaining speed even at full throttle with about 500 pounds of people on board and a 150 pound surfer - any clues. We are in shallow - 5ft water, with wakebooster. It's kind of making me crazy, this very delicate setup, but fun at the same time. I do seem to think needing deeper water - above say 5ft or 10ft helps - not 100% sure. Just in general it looks like you are going faster than I typically do - I would guess you are around 11 mph or so, maybe touching 12?

Definitely get an app for your smartphone that shows MPH to tenths - it's a big help and there are free apps. I can't comment on the shallow water, but I can say that I've moved people and ballast all around the boat to get to the right configuration. Too much ballast too far back will affect your ability to get up to speed. I figured this out one time when a passenger picked up a phone call while we were surfing and moved to the bow - the boat immediately picked up speed (too much!). Fill the center locker as full as possible! Move people around - you'd be surprised how much impact there is. I've got deep water and we go ~800lbs in center locker, 750lbs transom bag full with the wakebooster at 10.7-11.2 MPH is the sweet spot. A little faster gets a locker pocket, but a little less push, so speed can depend on the surfer and board also, but that's really fine tuning. Haven't had more than 5 people on board for that config, so moving human ballast around hasn't been needed.
verse thrusters and X thrusters.
Hey, I have the 2017, 242x and mostly agree with above remarks. You will use the center bag as well. The saying is no replacement for displacement.
I like the wakebooster better. Never felt any drag, but I know some people do. We have some younger surfers and they like the ladder. When you have the wakewedge the ladder is not really usable. And switching sides is easier with the booster.
I also went with JBP reverse thrusters, and TVW. Surfing you need to put the weight as far back as possible. Bag or lead anyway you like to get there.

I run a 2019 242x and currently using the wakebooster with the fatsac transom bag. I was curious as you say you are running the JBP reverse thrusters as well as the TVW. Do you use the wakebooster still after adding the TVW, and if you run both, have you noticed any improvement in your wake using both items? I've been curious about the TVWs, but wasn't sure the investment would be helpful as I have the wakebooster.

We were relatively happy with Wakebooster and factory ballast. Really do need the weight to get enough push to surf ropeless without having to work too hard at it: ski locker full, surfside full, non-surfside 50%. We can usually load the boat up with at least 400lbs of friends but use Gantlin FatSac about half full if we don't have enough passengers.
Seem to get the best balance of push and length at 9.5mph. I know others run much faster but we seem to lose a lot of push much faster than 10mph.

I installed TVWs recently; we are fairly pleased with the slow-speed steering improvements. I straightened the nozzles per the directions but the surfside wave face is absolutely ruined by the jetwash now. I hate the stupid jetwash deflector thing; we use our ladder fairly frequently and taking something on and off the ladder all the time is untenable. I will be restoring some of the 'surfpointe' nozzle toe/angle (perhaps not as much as he factory) and trying again this weekend.
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We were relatively happy with Wakebooster and factory ballast. Really do need the weight to get enough push to surf ropeless without having to work too hard at it: ski locker full, surfside full, non-surfside 50%. We can usually load the boat up with at least 400lbs of friends but use Gantlin FatSac about half full if we don't have enough passengers.
Seem to get the best balance of push and length at 9.5mph. I know others run much faster but we seem to lose a lot of push much faster than 10mph.

I installed TVWs recently; we are fairly pleased with the slow-speed steering improvements. I straightened the nozzles per the directions but the surfside wave face is absolutely ruined by the jetwash now. I hate the stupid jetwash deflector thing; we use our ladder fairly frequently and taking something on and off the ladder all the time is untenable. I will be restoring some of the 'surfpointe' nozzle toe/angle (perhaps not as much as he factory) and trying again this weekend.

@Scrodee - I'm getting some of this washout also, considering recovering some 'surfpointe' angle. How did this work for you? Also, my TVW's were grossly out of adjustment - after receiving the new tool I'm in better shape.
@Scrodee - I'm getting some of this washout also, considering recovering some 'surfpointe' angle. How did this work for you? Also, my TVW's were grossly out of adjustment - after receiving the new tool I'm in better shape.

After restoring the surfpointe angle (maybe not quite as much as factory) we are happy.
I like the slow speed steering help from the TVWs but I would be reluctant to say they do anything to help surfing.
I do have some concern that the angle on the fins puts a lot of force on the fins and nozzles et al and may cause damage over time but the fins are totally out of the water at anything faster than no wake speeds so I think the risk is minimal.