I considered and even purchased shutoff valves. Decided not to use them once I mocked everything as I convinced myself those would
increase the risk of failure (apart from slowing the flow, too!) as those are very heavy and could easily rip out of the thin hull in rough water. Basically, the new Yamaha FRP hull is so thin I would not want to mount those heavy valves on the intakes/drains without significant reinforcements - no way! Would either need to use plastic valves/intakes or build reinforcements.
Besides, the reversible Johnson pumps work extremely well as valves.
Drilling holes in the hull is easy - it is just "skin", there is not core in those hulls.
I used SS intakes and planned the install very carefully - I mocked the size of the openings in plywood to make sure everything fits. Mounting those through hulls is pretty nerve wrecking.
Here is the "end result" - it is a very solid install, and I believe a better solution in these hulls - I have just short strait up (WM hose) runs up to the pumps in wet comps:
After I let these cure for few days:
I wanted a nice and tight fit (bottom):
Too tight:
Dry run set-up:
And then the least favorite part... 3M 5200.
I used an improvised tool to be able to have my trusty 16yo helper hold the drain in place from the outside/bottom while I install the nut and tighten it inside the hull - that was the worst part, and having done a dry-run was very important - before dispensing of the 5200!
The end results were very good. I can not imagine those failing, and when I look at other OEM through-hull fittings I laugh (and ended up redoing several, the factory craftsmanship there is just pathetic... or lacking)