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Ace 300 oil leak


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Alright there is a reason I flush my bilge and keep it as clean as possible and it has paid off. I was cleaning the bilge and noticed oil flushing out. It wasn’t enough to see till I flushed and tilted the boat. Now with that being said I went from happy hause to pissed off LOL. So after completely cleaning it I started to trace the oil leak. Now I found that there is a plug on the head on the back side of the motor just above the head gasket. This is where the drip is coming from. Has anyone else had this issue? I was going to tighten it down but first want to contact brp so they know a head of time incase this is a bigger issue. It might be cross treaded based on how it looks or maybe it’s the sealant they used throwing the look off. My guess is this a drain port or leak down test port or something. Any buddy know?

