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AR192 did pretty good for its first sea outing


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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Lake Martin, AL
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As storms rolled in today along with a stiff eastern wind, I knew it was going to be a bit rough out in the bay of Panama City Beach. I had a full tank of fuel, 3 adults including myself, two teenagers, 2 coolers and gear. We launched at a public ramp in Grand Lagoon and made the long no wake trek towards the East Pass and beyond to Shell Island. As we get out of the no wake zone we were headed straight into the stuff wind and lots of rough chop! Once we neared the pass things really got interesting as I was going through 2-3 footers white capping from all directions not to mention big ships and fishing boats and their massive wakes!! I had everyone sit at the rear to help keep the bow up and we safely navigated the pass.

Not taking a few bow shots and spray along the way though lol. I managed to keep the bow from plowing as I had to goose it a few times to make sure we didn't take one buried. I did have some cavitation issues while trying to get on plane but considering the conditions and weight plus shallow 3 ft waterin sea grass, I guess it's to be expected. I did check my cleanout plugs later and did not have a lot in there despite the bay being littered in places with lots of sea grass. Loved knowing I had plugs to get me out of a jam if need be.

We tried to anchor on the north western tip of the island but the wind was proving to be too much for the crappy Yamaha anchor. Everyone here is right. That thing couldn't hold a kite! I really needed my box anchor but we left for vacation the day it arrived from Overton's. So feeling discouraged not being able to anchor, I drive us over to check out some of the big $$$ mansions on Grand Langoon. We putt around for a bit and then I decide to try and get us to this little cove I know of that is great for snorkeling as its out of the wind and the pass' current. Being it's right next to the pass that meant round 2 for rough seas. The AR192 is certainly not a smooth ride in the conditions we were in but it's doable for sure. As we pull into the cove I spy an SX240. Not sure if it's anyone on here but they had a boat full of people and it was just the two boats with a beautiful cove all to ourselves as the sun set and we chilled watching the big boats come and go along the pass. Everyone loved the Yamaha! As we leave the cove I spot a 2015 242 LS gray with white tower. Lots of Yamaha love around here :)

Oh and as I retrieved the boat and pulled the drain plugs, not much at all came out despite taking a few shots on the bow and lots on in/out wet traffic on the boat as we swam. Engine area and bilge was dry as can be!



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I live in PCB and have never not had my "crappy Yamaha anchor" hold just fine. I'd guess that you didn't have enough rode out. We usually back into a spot, drop the anchor and keep backing up a bit more... Tie off the front and then manually wade and set the rear.....usually ending knee deep.

Conditions you experienced today sound like a day I would have stayed home, our 19ft boats aren't rough water boats.

Depending on the direction of the wind, you may want to venture elsewhere than Shell Island... The bay by Hathway Bridge could be smooth while grand lagoon very rough.
Agree with needing more line than you think. When I first started anchoring I used little line and was the guy with a drifting boat. Now I set out more and never have an issue. Glad you had fun on the boat even in rougher water.
I thought the same and I tried all sorts of length 20' 30' etc. I think it was just too windy and the anchor would not hold or maybe it doesn't weigh enough. It would hold ok for a few minutes and then a big gust would blow or big waves roll in and that was it. I was concerned with letting out even more line because I didn't have an anchor buoy or anything and it was in a spot with other boats coming and going and I didn't want them to eat my line.

Yes if you live here you probably would have stayed home but when you're on vacation you have to work with what you have and make the best of it while you're down, as long as it's safe to do so Of course. I know these aren't rough water boats lol. It was rough sure, but it's certainly doable if you want to go out.... We had fun, everyone was safe and boat performed pretty good all things considering.

It's a good learning experience how the boat behaves in different conditions. Even with it being rough I was pleased at how well it did.
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For the skimpy Yamaha anchor to hold, I had 8' of 5/16 chain and had to put out a minimum of 5:1 or 7:1 scope. Even then, it was hit and miss unless you backed it down good and felt it set. That anchor now lives in my garage as the box anchor has become my full-time set. Well worth the $.

Looks like you're having a great trip @haknslash. Awesome pictures!
I will not. I have always had the West Marine galvanized anchors on my boat since purchase so not sure how that compares to the Yamaha factory anchor. With 5' chain on now anchor. Regardless you have the box at home and will be happy. I have yet to use mine as I have gotten handy with the regular anchor.
The Yamaha anchor came with 4' of chain. It is not that heavy and it did not state the lbs. anywhere on the box. If I had to guess its a 10 lb anchor or so. I think my shipping weight for the box anchor was 22.8 lbs or more so I'm hoping the weight plus the design of the anchor will be all I really need and I'll use my Yamaha anchor as a secondary anchor.
that's one reason I am debating moving to a larger boat. I like on lake ontario and it can get pretty rough. Saturday the box anchor couldn't hole, the waves were just to much. I had to abandon the idea and head into a bay.
Today the weather was great with hardly any wind. Boat handled the bay and pass much better! Also got to see @Rod5 and his sexy 242X.

Here's some pics from today chilling with family at Shell Island cove along the pass...


