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AR195 ski locker ballast


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I'm looking for a ballast for my ski locker but can't seem to find one online that fits. Did anybody know of one that they use our that fits. Thanks guys
I'm interested here as well.

What I have tried (filled with air) is the Fatsac 370 lbs (long) and 400 lbs, borrowed from a friend.

Fly High Pro X Series Tube Sac - 10" x 16" x 62", 370 lbs.

Fly High Pro X Series V-Drive Sacs, pair - 16" x 16" x 42", 400 lbs. each

Either of them fits pretty good, but leaves some room to spare. But you can get them mostly filled.
My estimate is, you can maybe get another 50 to 100 lbs in there, but not much more. Maybe a little more if you go all the way underneath to the front, but then you're also touching sharp corners and the fiberglass.

My thought was to get the double pack.
Those also fit nicely on my 2012 AR190 on the floor in front of the engine hatch (sideways).

Curios to see if there are other suggestions.
I'm interested here as well.

What I have tried (filled with air) is the Fatsac 370 lbs (long) and 400 lbs, borrowed from a friend.

Fly High Pro X Series Tube Sac - 10" x 16" x 62", 370 lbs.

Fly High Pro X Series V-Drive Sacs, pair - 16" x 16" x 42", 400 lbs. each

Either of them fits pretty good, but leaves some room to spare. But you can get them mostly filled.
My estimate is, you can maybe get another 50 to 100 lbs in there, but not much more. Maybe a little more if you go all the way underneath to the front, but then you're also touching sharp corners and the fiberglass.

My thought was to get the double pack.
Those also fit nicely on my 2012 AR190 on the floor in front of the engine hatch (sideways).

Curios to see if there are other suggestions.

My ski locker at the widest is only 12" wide.
Ok, they might have changed it...
Mine is like 15.5 wide and 16 high towards the driver and gets smaller to the front
I'm interested here as well.

What I have tried (filled with air) is the Fatsac 370 lbs (long) and 400 lbs, borrowed from a friend.

Fly High Pro X Series Tube Sac - 10" x 16" x 62", 370 lbs.

Fly High Pro X Series V-Drive Sacs, pair - 16" x 16" x 42", 400 lbs. each

Either of them fits pretty good, but leaves some room to spare. But you can get them mostly filled.
My estimate is, you can maybe get another 50 to 100 lbs in there, but not much more. Maybe a little more if you go all the way underneath to the front, but then you're also touching sharp corners and the fiberglass.

My thought was to get the double pack.
Those also fit nicely on my 2012 AR190 on the floor in front of the engine hatch (sideways).

Curios to see if there are other suggestions.
I’m running the 10” x 16” x 62” in my 2017 AR195 and it fits perfect and still can close the door.

If your interested I got mine through WakeMAKERS and you can use discount code Yamaha1314 for an additional 10% off.