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AR210 Cushion Removal


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I just bought a 2015 AR210 and am removing the cushions to have them recovered. I thought it wouldn't be too hard, but after 5 hours on a Sunday afternoon I'm down to 4 cushions that I can't get to the final screw. I removed 4 screws for the back cushions then tried to pull it off and it still stuck. Surprise Surprise, you have to removed the back speaker and take out another one and then there is a piece of wood/clothe blocking access to the final screw. Not sure who designed this but it's a joke. Then on the side cushions you have to hire a Leprachaun to somehow fit in the battery compartment to reach up to a screw toward the railing area. Seriously? I'm 6'-4" 210 lbs... that ain't happening. So I have to find a little guy somewhere to get in and get the final 4 screws out, unless someone has a clever fix? Thanks!