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Bimini trip 6/29-7/6 2025

I am in when is the dates ? 2024 FSH 252 fam of 5
Not sure of dates yet. Still in the planning stages but thinking very end of June or early July.
I have booked July 12- 19th .. But if your willing to commit I still have time to change it 5th -12th If that works better for you
I’ll inform the family manager(wife) of the dates and and see what her thoughts are.👍
I have booked July 12- 19th .. But if your willing to commit I still have time to change it 5th -12th If that works better for you

I’ll inform the family manager(wife) of the dates and and see what her thoughts are.👍

Sounds Great ! So We are family of 5 Me 43 Wife 41 3 kids 9,10 and 6 .. Brand new boat I just bought at the end of the season leftover 2024 FSH 252 .. covered and winterized right now . We are from NJ and I Tow my boat down to FLA every summer for a month , My prevous boat ( i just traded in towards FSH was a 2013 SX 240 .. I have about a solid 5 years of alot of boating experience and have been off shore with my sx 240 multiple times up to 30 miles out in gulf . I am not just planning Bimmi this year but also the Keys, and maybe Gulf coast somewhere . So i have to AIR BB my other weekly spots as well around the Bimini week . So If we book it we have to be solid on the dates . Im not a flake I f i say i am going to be there I will be there providing any travel issues ect . I have currently booked Bimini cove for one week July 12-19 . I still have to book the marina there which i havent done yet . So let me know whats the date youd like to do .. Like i said i still have time to adjust for July 5th - 12th If that works better for you .

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any updates bud ? ...
We are looking at June 30-July 5 or July 19-26 weeks right now. Trying to line up all of our schedules and have it narrowed down to those 2 weeks.
Ok do you have a group ? how many ..
is it just you and your family or a group looking at 6/30 -5th & 7/19-26 ?
Right now it’s just my family on our AR230. Hopefully we can get a small group of 4-5 vessels going at the same time.
I have my week booked for 12-19 July .. let me know what week you decide on so I have time to change date If you want to hook up and head out with us together ... how many people on your boat ?
I have my week booked for 12-19 July .. let me know what week you decide on so I have time to change date If you want to hook up and head out with us together ... how many people on your boat ?
4 on our boat. 2 adults & 2 teenagers
alright man .. let me know whats up soon or Im just gonna go it alone ... Joe
I would like to go but I'm not sure I can convince my wife to make the crossing. Dates will also be a factor as we already have a couple of things on the calendar.
I would like to go but I'm not sure I can convince my wife to make the crossing. Dates will also be a factor as we already have a couple of things on the calendar.
Have your wife take the ferry and pick her up over there. Plenty do it that way.
We were planning on July 7-11 as wife has work obligations the following week. I told her that week would be "backup" due to weather.