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Bimini trip 6/29-7/6 2025

So dates are all over the place!
There is a facebook crossing group going the 5th-8th.
We are not booked for anything yet but are planning to go. Wife is getting a promotion/new responsibilities and we are seeing how that pans out. May be the end of her side business which frees up most of the summer. Usually sheswamped with graduation parties. Daughter graduates 8th grade on the 3rd. 24 hour drive for us.
Still no date set for us. Waiting on my better half to make a decision. @Speedling youll probably spend more on gas getting the boat back and forth than on the rest of the vacation, I know I did when we trailered that far.
Join us on July 12th - 19th ( or however long you can stay ) Make it happen .. fingers crossed on those North winds !
Anyone planning a Bimini trip in 2025? We’re planning on heading back over there and would like to get a group together.
You got any plans in the works? I’m here to live vicariously lol.
You got any plans in the works? I’m here to live vicariously lol.
Still waiting on my wife to pick the week she wants to go. I’m in no hurry to make plans, just sitting back watching others make plans and getting everything we need to get done before making the trip again.
Still waiting on my wife to pick the week she wants to go. I’m in no hurry to make plans, just sitting back watching others make plans and getting everything we need to get done before making the trip again.
I hear you. The boat's been perched in the high and dry for an unreasonably long time honestly, but life's got a way of taking you for a ride (good or bad) sometimes. Best part about it though is I'd feel confident that the boat could handle a trip next week if we wanted to.
Still waiting on my wife to pick the week she wants to go. I’m in no hurry to make plans, just sitting back watching others make plans and getting everything we need to get done before making the trip again.
Do you have a prep list that you care to share?
Do you have a prep list that you care to share?
This thread is what I used and I also watched a few jetboaters u tube videos on the crossing. I also read a lot of different threads on this forum about crossing and how each year was and what to expect.

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This thread is what I used and I also watched a few jetboaters u tube videos on the crossing. I also read a lot of different threads on this forum about crossing and how each year was and what to expect.
This thread is what I used and I also watched a few jetboaters u tube videos on the crossing. I also read a lot of different threads on this forum about crossing and how each year was and what to expect.
I found this post on an FB group called The Crossing
the bahamas sponsers a "boat fling each summer". google bahamas fling and they have weekend trips all summer to abaco, bimini and west end. they have a captain meeting wed night at Bahia Mar, leave out at 7 thursday. they have some drop in on the island and come back on sunday. there is a lead boat and rer boat. some one from bahamas is on one of the boats.
We just booked the same condo we stayed at last Time at Bimini Sands from June 29th to July 6th. Hopefully we can get a couple other vessels from JB.net to tag along.
Has anyone here crossed before? I'm interested in going this summer and hoping to link up with others with experience.
Hell of a good pair to cross with too.
@Babin Farms how do you feel about a first timer tagging along in his 255XD? Not a ton of experience, tbh. I've spent the last couple of summers on Lake Michigan but no experience at the helm in the ocean and I'm not comfortable staring that down on my own.
Do most that cross and trim tabs, Sea Keeper. Zip Wake and or and a Garmin? If yes on a Garmin, any model suggestions. Is there a preferred handheld VHF radio?
Do most that cross and trim tabs, Sea Keeper. Zip Wake and or and a Garmin? If yes on a Garmin, any model suggestions. Is there a preferred handheld VHF radio?
Last time I crossed i used a Garmin 78sc handheld. It worked fine and got me there without issue, and most of the time I was by myself. For handheld radio I had two Standard Horizon HX210's, but also had a fixed mount radio with an 8ft antenna. Radio communication was very important.