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Deviants of the Dock - launch and recover stories


Jetboaters Lieutenant
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Salem, Oregon
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Since we have Memorial Day coming up - better known as Amateur Hour I figured we need a place to vent and laugh at all the crazy things we will see at our favorite launches and marinas. If there is a similar thread please nix this one. My lotto pipe dream is to open a bar at the top of a boat launch just so there is a place to kick back and watch the carnage. (leaning towards Sink or Swim as the name)

Anyway to kick this off we launched at Foster Reservoir in Sweet Home, Oregon last weekend. I did not get a picture unfortunately as my phone was still in the boat, but here is an areal view of the ramp. Long, steep, and narrow. It amazes me how some people with boats only have a 42 foot Bounder motor home to launch their 1972 23' Fish Master. Great for backing on a long narrow ramp. After 20 plus minutes to back the trailer down to recover the boat the motor home could not get the traction or provide the power to get the craft back up to level ground. In comes a local in his white Ford pickup to chain to the front bumper of the motor home. They did make it to the top even though the v-shaped bumper on the motor home was now u-shaped and celebrated with a Busch Lite while blocking the tie-down lane.
Bring on the stories!

