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DIY Ballast ?


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242 Limited E-Series
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Just getting started with wake surfing. has anyone used large storage containers and filled them with water or tried to use large rotomolded coolers filled with water? I was thinking that with a fast bilge pump would be a good start. Any ideas or experience will be welcome!
There are all sorts of options to try before purchasing ballast bags. I have heard of people simply flooding the ski locker, using plastic tote bins (think 'Rubbermaid' storage bins), sand or cement bags (could be messy), and just bringing a ton of 'substantial' friends along to increase weight. It's all about weight and weight placement, what you use for that is up to you!
I fill my one or both of my storage lockers almost every time I surf. I simply put the plug in and let my tsunami pump do the fillin. No need for bags or bins. Sure a little will slosh out but big deal. To drain I simply unscrew the drain plug and let me bilge do the work.
I just bought a 1100 GPH bilge pump i am going to wire up with a cigaret lighter plug. Start with my rtic 110 full of water (300lbs) and a large storage bin full of water (225). Bilge was only $20 on amazon. My guess is another 20 in hose/fittings and some wiring. I will let you know how it works.