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Engine won't start


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I have a 2016 AR192, we went to put in yesterday evening and the engine would not start. It turned over, as long as I turn the key, but it just wouldn't fire. The check engine alarm and display came on. It did start one time, but I shut it down, because the check engine warning came on and stayed. I didn't want to chance anything more happening. Batteries are fine. I haven't had the chance to get out there to look other than what we could at the ramp. When I was cranking it, behind the boat, but in the engine compartment, you could smell gas. The motor doesn't seem to shake anymore than normal when trying to start. It ran fine two weekends ago. We had the annual maintenance down in March. The engine compartment did fill with water, maybe a 1/4 way up the engine, about month or so ago. Anyone have any ideas?