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False advertising of the Yamaha 212X


Jet Boat Junkie
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College Grove, TN
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We bought our '17 212X based on Yamaha's advertising that we could surf behind the boat. We've taken it out a bunch of times and tried surfing, but only my 90 Lb son can stand up and let go of the rope for a little bit. My 150 Lb wife can't let go of the rope and has a very difficult time trying to surf the wave of the 212X as the wave has very little push.

At this point, I feel very misled by Yamaha with the surfability of this boat, enough to say it's false advertising. What's more, they just released the '18s and they have modified the jet nozzles to produce a better wave. This, to me, says they know they falsely advertised the 212X as a surf boat and, after the 1st model year (2017), are already modifying it to improve it. IMO, Yamaha needs to modify my '17 boat with the new components from the '18 model in order to help live up to their advertising promise of this boat being a surf boat.
At this point, I feel very misled by Yamaha with the surfability of this boat, enough to say it's false advertising. What's more, they just released the '18s and they have modified the jet nozzles to produce a better wave. This, to me, says they know they falsely advertised the 212X as a surf boat and, after the 1st model year (2017), are already modifying it to improve it. IMO, Yamaha needs to modify my '17 boat with the new components from the '18 model in order to help live up to their advertising promise of this boat being a surf boat.
Sorry, dude, but that is just silly.

As much as I do not like Yamaha advertising in general, and their f@cked up customer service juvenile advisor @ssholes in particular, you can surf behind their boats. There is plenty of evidence of it.
Of course those are not on par with dedicated wake boats, but even those typically require some tuning/enhancements.
Besides, every wake boat builder is constantly changing and modifying their new models to improve the wake and surfability. Why would/should Yamaha be different?

I have no idea about your skill level but I can guarantee that if I got behind your boat I could surf ropeless. Would it be the best wave ever? nope, Could I do it? Yes. There is a lot more to wake surfing then getting up on the board and throwing the rope in the boat. Heck you didn't ride a bike without training wheels your first time out did you? The board plays a part, rider skill, water condition, ballast placement, etc. It all matters. Hopefully you can look past the Yamaha advertising and enjoy the boat for the great boat it is, you bought a good one. It may need a little more aftermarket parts to do what you want it to but that is a way to make it your own.
IMG_9124.JPG @GoVols01 you mean you can't surf behind thiS]
@GoVols01 . True...but still a heck cheaper than wake specific boat!