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Fatsac on transom full, ballasts full, boat won't even go 10mph


Jet Boat Lover
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Lake Kiowa, TX
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Took out the boat yesterday for the first time with the custom fatsac for my 21'. Filled it to capacity, filled the stock ballasts to capacity. No passengers on the boat - just my wife and me. Boat wouldnt even do 10mph at 9k RPM. Had to empty the fatsac to half capacity and then I was fine.

While the fatsac was full capacity the top of the bottom swim platform was touching the water. At half capacity the rub rail was touching the water.

This doesn't seem normal. Am I wrong?
Yes, You'll want the swim deck submerged. I replied on the other thread, but will do so here too.

I think you need to add some weight in the bow. You can try moving folks to the front (and you can stand to the side of the wheel toward the front) to see if it changes anything. If it does, then you can best figure out how to adjust.

Also, if you were going to drain anything, I think I would drain some from the stock bags before the transom bag. The importance of the weight on that corner is that important. Also, that bag gets awful "floppy" if it isn't filled so full it's hard. It will put more stress on your ropes and tie down points if it gets to flopping around as you hit waves. When it's hard, it pretty much just sits there and doesn't put much strain on the ropes that you have holding it.

Good luck! Be sure to report back!

Abe, regarding draining the fatsac - once I drained it, I filled it back with air so that it was tight with my tie-downs. The thing is, my wife and I dont really go out with other people most of the time, it's just us. I will keep troubleshooting and report back. Thanks for your responses though!
once I drained it, I filled it back with air so that it was tight with my tie-downs.

Yeah, I hear you on not usually having other folks on board. That's why I have a 400lb sac that I fill up in the bow. The kids always want to sit in the back and watch, anyway. I can't ever get anyone to stay put in the front. I have 2 over the side pumps, I hook one up on each bag. Then when the one on the floor is full, I move that pump to the transom and use both pumps to finish it off a little faster. Or, if I have an extra body that will stay in the front, I'll use both pumps on the rear bag to finish in half the time.