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First Surfboard Recommendations

Wrecked Rooster

Jet Boat Lover
Reaction score
Ada, Oklahoma
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Looking to buy a surfboard that everyone can use on the boat. Beginner to intermediate. Something to grow into but I can let any newcomers use. This is for an AR210 with the wake booster and either some chubby friends and/or ballast. I’m 150 lbs, my wife is 115 lbs. but I have buddies that way up to 240 lbs. more worried about me and mine as we will be using it the most.

These are the ones I have been looking at, the images are attached.
  • Hyperlite Speedster (my first choice)
  • Slingshot Coaster XR (lot of recommendations on this forum and more than I want to spend honestly)
  • Hyperlite Broadcast (recommended from the sites that sell them as a first board)
  • Driftsun Throwdown (recently came across this one)

Other options are welcome. Would prefer to be in the $400 range as I assume this board is going to get beat up as the “newbie” board. Thanks for any help and suggestions.


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I got the yamaha wake booster with slingshot coaster on their package and it’s amazing. My wife who is tiny rides it and loves it and I’m 6’4 205 pounds and it works great for me to. Better to spend a little more and get you a good one like this that will be versatile for everyone. Best of luck in your decision!
First board recommendations are probably good depending on who’s making them. I listened to a salesman instead of searching this forum as you are doing. My first board (Ahi Phase 5) was way too expensive ($900) and I still can’t get up on it. Finally got a big, wide board (Connelly Bentley) for like $300 and I can get up on it every time. I hope to work my way up to the Phase 5 someday, but for now, it’s just dollars down the drain.
I got the yamaha wake booster with slingshot coaster on their package and it’s amazing. My wife who is tiny rides it and loves it and I’m 6’4 205 pounds and it works great for me to. Better to spend a little more and get you a good one like this that will be versatile for everyone. Best of luck in your decision!

nice! Do you know what size board you have? The coaster XR is the only one left in stock at most places at $500. Versus the $650 for the regular coaster. Not sure what the difference between the boards is to be honest.
First board recommendations are probably good depending on who’s making them. I listened to a salesman instead of searching this forum as you are doing. My first board (Ahi Phase 5) was way too expensive ($900) and I still can’t get up on it. Finally got a big, wide board (Connelly Bentley) for like $300 and I can get up on it every time. I hope to work my way up to the Phase 5 someday, but for now, it’s just dollars down the drain.

That’s what I would be afraid of. Buying an advanced board and getting frustrated. Would like a beginner to intermediate board Thani can keep on the rack as I progress to advanced. I used to skateboard when I was younger and have been snowboarding a few times.
nice! Do you know what size board you have? The coaster XR is the only one left in stock at most places at $500. Versus the $650 for the regular coaster. Not sure what the difference between the boards is to be honest.

I’ll see tomorrow if there is a size listed on it
I have 5 if the 2020 models left and then it's all 2021 boards from there. Ithink our price is very competitive. Shipping is free on all our boards.

@Wrecked Rooster brought up the price difference and questioned the difference between the 2. There is only one difference new 21 model, the color. They've streamlined the production of the 2021wakesurfers and they're all the XR construction. Which explains some if the reasoning behind the price increase.

I can sympathize with the apprehension associated with the price. Recognizing both my bias and potential profit from the recommendation I'm going to confidently say that, with near certainty, it will be a worthy investment. I would gauge the level of risk with it as minimal. With all the characteristics in a board you are looking for, beginner - intermediate board you can keep in your rack. It is exactly that, about as easy as they come for beginners but you'll be able to play and throw it around as you progress. It is a great handling board. Even allows you to remove the fins for pulling those skim style spins and shuvs. Of all the content regarding these boards, there's really hardly a negative word said about them.

As a dealer, I take the liberty of testing as many of them as I can. Of all the boards we have the option to take with us, the Coaster spends the most time on our boat. They're great! ...and that's my sales pitch. Lol! Feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Video of me messing around one (2019 model).
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Slingshot Coaster is the best for our boats, was able to surf with no rope on a 190. I would imagine it would do well with the 210.
Slingshot Coaster is the best for our boats, was able to surf with no rope on a 190. I would imagine it would do well with the 210.

Nice, I think y'all have me sold on the coaster. What's your boat setup for surfing?
I have 5 if the 2020 models left and then it's all 2021 boards from there. Ithink our price is very competitive. Shipping is free on all our boards.

@Wrecked Rooster brought up the price difference and questioned the difference between the 2. There is only one difference new 21 model, the color. They've streamlined the production of the 2021wakesurfers and they're all the XR construction. Which explains some if the reasoning behind the price increase.

I can sympathize with the apprehension associated with the price. Recognizing both my bias and potential profit from the recommendation I'm going to confidently say that, with near certainty, it will be a worthy investment. I would gauge the level of risk with it as minimal. With all the characteristics in a board you are looking for, beginner - intermediate board you can keep in your rack. It is exactly that, about as easy as they come for beginners but you'll be able to play and throw it around as you progress. It is a great handling board. Even allows you to remove the fins for pulling those skim style spins and shuvs. Of all the content regarding these boards, there's really hardly a negative word said about them.

As a dealer, I take the liberty of testing as many of them as I can. Of all the boards we have the option to take with us, the Coaster spends the most time on our boat. They're great! ...and that's my sales pitch. Lol! Feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Video of me messing around one (2019 model).

Thanks for the info. Did more looking into the coaster and agree it's a good board. Pulled the trigger a minute ago and bought the board from you. Thanks again!
Thanks for the info. Did more looking into the coaster and agree it's a good board. Pulled the trigger a minute ago and bought the board from you. Thanks again!
I saw it come thru a moment ago. I appreciate the support. We'll get it shipped right away for you. Enjoy! ?
Nice, I think y'all have me sold on the coaster. What's your boat setup for surfing?
I have the custom 19ft transom 650Lb bag (yes it is worth the money, the only ballast you really need): https://wakewedge.surf/shop/ols/pro...ansom-ballast-bag/v/FTS-CST-TRN-BLL-19-FT-GRY

Bag is strapped that to the surf side, usually have 4 to 6 people in the boat so no need for extra weight beyond that. The L13 cone helps a lot, Ridesteady holds the boat right at 10.5mph
Well, went out this past weekend. I've never wakeboarded before but was able to get up on the first try. Rode it 3 different times and was able to get up every time. Surfing is another story. I could not get up on that board to save my life.....
Well, went out this past weekend. I've never wakeboarded before but was able to get up on the first try. Rode it 3 different times and was able to get up every time. Surfing is another story. I could not get up on that board to save my life.....
That's awesome! ...and less awesome. Any videos of you trying to get up on the wakesurf board?

My advice would be to watch some videos and learn thru osmosis. On our boats, you want too start off to the surf side corner the boat. This way you can avoid the jetwash and come up outside the wake. It might help to have the driver bump the no wake mode button once just for a moment before hitting the throttle. This will give you a moment with some back pressure from the moving water to flip board up perpendicular to your feet. Keep your arms staight. As the driver hits the throttle, bend your knees and rise with the pull of the boat. Let the boat do the work. BOOM YOU'RE UP! Easy right?

As the driver, as soon as you move the throttle to 'no wake mode' the rider will want to drift back to center. Turn gradually throughout the pull up to keep them off to the side out of the wake.

That's awesome! ...and less awesome. Any videos of you trying to get up on the wakesurf board?

My advice would be to watch some videos and learn thru osmosis. On our boats, you want too start off to the surf side corner the boat. This way you can avoid the jetwash and come up outside the wake. It might help to have the driver bump the no wake mode button once just for a moment before hitting the throttle. This will give you a moment with some back pressure from the moving water to flip board up perpendicular to your feet. Keep your arms staight. As the driver hits the throttle, bend your knees and rise with the pull of the boat. Let the boat do the work. BOOM YOU'RE UP! Easy right?

As the driver, as soon as you move the throttle to 'no wake mode' the rider will want to drift back to center. Turn gradually throughout the pull up to keep them off to the side out of the wake.

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Great advice! I'll definitely need to watch some more vids. I can't keep the board under my feet.
Any ballast being used there? Speed of boat? It looks so easy for some people yet we can’t go ropeless seems like people have sit on transom or surf bags are needed. Yet here I am watching someone surf with no transom weight and making it look so easy without a big surf wave. Amazing job
@NewBoater if you are referring to me than, yes, we have stock ballast on our boat. We surf with the port bag full. Usually about 9 mph depending on which way we are going on the river. The video displays our configuration. We are just hacks out having fun. Our river is shallow so we don't run a lot of weight.