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Flushing 242 LS


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I've recently started to flush my LS with salt away and their adapter. I notice that when I hook up their inline adapter, and run the engine, the water doesn't flow out the side of the boat, but it's coming out of the back.

If I unhook their adapter, and just use my water hose, water comes out the side and back no problems. I've hooked up the adapter, and sprayed the water to make sure the pressure looks good, and I don't see any problems with the water pressure.

My question is, is it okay if I use the adapter and no water comes out the side if it's still coming out the jet? I really want to flush using this stuff, but don't want to chance overheating.

Slightly off topic. While looking around to see if this has been answered, I saw a thread saying that the anodes that originally came on the back of the boat are not zinc, to switch them out. Is this true on the 2016 242 LS? If so, would anyone have a link to get replacements? I boat in brackish water just about 100% of the time, so whatever I can do to help, I want to.


Jetboaters Captain
Reaction score
32408 Panama CIty Beach FL
Boat Make
Boat Model
242 Limited S E-Series
Boat Length
You should be fine with the Salt Away adapter. I use it all the time, Your pressure may not be enough to force water up the "piss tube" but if water is coming out of the back and you don't get any alarms you should be fine.
I also am curious about the "zinc's". I am just monitoring them now until I find out more information. I boat strictly in salt water.