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Boat Stuff FS: Cobra Jet "Fangs"


Jetboaters Admiral
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I removed the Cobra Jet "fangs" for the 2019+ twin boats off of my setup just to see if I like the high speed handling better with them off or on - there's a lot less "feel" to the steering without them but I picked up another 2 mph top speed - so I'm going to leave them off. I also didn't see any difference in reverse handling with them on or off. These are a $45 add-on to the set, I'll sell them for $35 shipped to anywhere in the lower 48.

If you're not familiar with these they are the circled parts in the picture below. If you have the 2019 "Cobra Super Magnum AK-19 and new Super Magnum AK-19 DELUXE steering for 2019 and newer Yamaha Twin Engine Articulating Keel Boats" they will fit on the pre-drilled plates.

@Cobra Jet Steering LLC hopefully you don't mind me using your picture off the of your website, otherwise I can find another one.
