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Garbage Can


Jetboaters Admiral
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Decatur, AL
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There seems to be quite a few ideas about what to use for a garbage can in our Yamahas. I can't take credit for it because I saw it in a post from @Mainah. The Kingsford charcoal storage bins seems to fit pretty good. The lid snaps tight on so it won't blow out. And it has a flap to open to put the garbage in without removing the lid.

-I hit the lid and opening flap with some Rustoleum Satin Granite paint, which matches the factory grey decals really well.

-I added a little high density foam to two sides of it to wedge it in and keep vibrations down.

-Tied some knots in the elastic net to make sure it stays tight.

-Put a garbage bag in and snapped the lid on.

And it seems like it will do the job nicely.

Thanks @Mainah for the idea.
